
Showing posts from July, 2020

The “perfect” life doesn’t exist:

The idea of someone having the perfect life is 1000% FALSE. Newsflash: no one does. When you see others with their perfect this or that, that’s because that is all you get to see. All they are allowing you to see. You don’t see the crazy disheveled MESS that their life might actually be. Granted their life may not be messy all the time, but no one is making it out without a scratch. I don’t know where this idea of a “perfect” life came from. I mean, it’d be nice to have.. nothing would go wrong, you would only cry “happy” tears, we’d NEVER compare ourselves, or our lives. Our bodies would be FLAWLESS, and let’s not forget that everyone would have the exact same life... because their life would be perfect too...but is that what we all really want? We all want to be like everyone else?  Ummm, no thank you. My life is far from perfect. I don’t take up residence on a pedestal and I never would want to. I try my best every day. I try to not compare my life to someone else’s, be...

My blog-iversary! 🥳

Wow. 3 years! Can you believe it? It’s been 3 years today (the 17th) that I first started writing my blog. It was a rainy afternoon in July and I sat down at the computer and wrote my first post. I had been thinking about a blog for many months before, and I kept putting it off. I thought to myself “who would want to hear my thoughts? I’m just me.” Little did I know how thankful I would feel 3 years later. I am so GRATEFUL that I listened to that prompting and started my blog.  It has blessed my life in so many ways. It’s almost like an electronic journal of my life. Every hardship, heartbreak, moment of gratitude, and major life event that has happened over the course of 3 years, I’ve been able to share it, with all of you!  I’ve been able to look back over these last 3 years and see what I’ve gone through, what I learned, and how my testimony and confidence has increased. I am truly GRATEFUL and BLESSED to be able to share my thoughts, testimony, and feelings wi...

Blessings brighten when you count them ☀️

The last few months have been hard for everyone. Am I right? We’ve all struggled in one way or another. From potentially getting sick, to losing jobs, facing financial hardships, broken hearts, being away from friends & family, missing our normal routine, and not to mention, anxiety ridden.. All. The. Time. 😵 Some have struggled with sadness and depression. Others have lost their lives. We are all struggling, just look around!!😔 Whether in your close circle of family & friends, or the world in we live in. Someone, somewhere is having a rough go at it. One thing that keeps coming to my mind, again & again, is gratitude. Gratitude for my Heavenly Father’s plan. Gratitude for my AMAZING family. Gratitude for my friends. Gratitude for my life. When things feel like they’re falling apart, they eventually will fall into place, somehow, some way. I have really been thinking about this life. About our life. The life that we jumped and “shouted for joy” (Job 38:7) to come her...

Stop “shoulding” yourself ♥️

I was recently watching one of my favorite tv shows on Hulu. Before my show started, an ad for halo top ice cream came on. Entitled “stop shoulding yourself”. There was a curvy “plus size” woman dancing around her apartment, in her bra & underwear, eating ice cream, and having fun!  The ad said different lines like “I ‘should’ lose weight,” “I ‘should’ work out more,” “I ‘should’ eat more salads” and “I ‘should’ skip dessert.” An article I read about the video said “Shoulding” refers to the pressure people place on themselves to do what they think will make them “better.”  I LOVED this video! In our society and the world we all live in, it’s almost like nothing we do (or don’t do) will be good enough. You’re too thin? That’s not acceptable. You’re too curvy? Yeah, no. You put on a couple pounds during quarantine? You had plenty of time to work out. Etc. Etc. Etc.  🙄 Others will ALWAYS have an opinion about you. About what you “should” look like. Or h...