My blog-iversary! πŸ₯³

Wow. 3 years! Can you believe it? It’s been 3 years today (the 17th) that I first started writing my blog. It was a rainy afternoon in July and I sat down at the computer and wrote my first post. I had been thinking about a blog for many months before, and I kept putting it off. I thought to myself “who would want to hear my thoughts? I’m just me.” Little did I know how thankful I would feel 3 years later. I am so GRATEFUL that I listened to that prompting and started my blog. 

It has blessed my life in so many ways. It’s almost like an electronic journal of my life. Every hardship, heartbreak, moment of gratitude, and major life event that has happened over the course of 3 years, I’ve been able to share it, with all of you! 

I’ve been able to look back over these last 3 years and see what I’ve gone through, what I learned, and how my testimony and confidence has increased. I am truly GRATEFUL and BLESSED to be able to share my thoughts, testimony, and feelings with all of you. I post all my blog posts on my social media. Every time you comment and share your thoughts and like my post, it means the world to me! 

My blog benefits me. I’ve been able to reread it over and over again all the thoughts that just flowed from my heart and mind. There have been so many times, that the words just came to me, all I had to do was write them down. Being able to benefit and inspire others with my experiences have truly been wonderful. So, thank you! 

I look forward to the next 3 years and where my adventures take me! ♥️πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ’—☀️πŸ™πŸ» 

Much love!



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