Stop “shoulding” yourself ♥️

I was recently watching one of my favorite tv shows on Hulu. Before my show started, an ad for halo top ice cream came on. Entitled “stop shoulding yourself”. There was a curvy “plus size” woman dancing around her apartment, in her bra & underwear, eating ice cream, and having fun! 

The ad said different lines like “I ‘should’ lose weight,” “I ‘should’ work out more,” “I ‘should’ eat more salads” and “I ‘should’ skip dessert.” An article I read about the video said “Shoulding” refers to the pressure people place on themselves to do what they think will make them “better.” 

I LOVED this video! In our society and the world we all live in, it’s almost like nothing we do (or don’t do) will be good enough. You’re too thin? That’s not acceptable. You’re too curvy? Yeah, no. You put on a couple pounds during quarantine? You had plenty of time to work out. Etc. Etc. Etc. 🙄

Others will ALWAYS have an opinion about you. About what you “should” look like. Or how much you “should” weigh for your height and age. When you “should” be married. How you “should” be raising your kids.. and blah blah blah.

Be YOU. Love YOU. Accept YOU. 

Because at the end of the day, it’s about what you think of you. It’s exhausting to try and be something else. Something that someone else thinks you “should” be. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? My hope is that you see how AMAZING you are. How BEAUTIFUL you are.

Don’t let the critics and pressures of life bring you down. Don’t love yourself any less because there are specific things you “should” or “should not” have in your life. Or what you “should” or “should not” be doing. Says who?! You’re doing the best you can and that is ENOUGH. 

So, surround yourself with people who love and accept you for who you are. But first! Love and accept YOURSELF, 100%. Don’t shame your body or judge someone else’s. Our so called “flaws” make us, us. So STOP. Stop comparing yourself to others or to the beauty standards that are unattainable. 

Be confident in YOURSELF and the amazing and beautiful body you have! ♥️ #positivebodyimage #behappy #selflove #loveandacceptyourself 


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