Blessings brighten when you count them ☀️

The last few months have been hard for everyone. Am I right? We’ve all struggled in one way or another. From potentially getting sick, to losing jobs, facing financial hardships, broken hearts, being away from friends & family, missing our normal routine, and not to mention, anxiety ridden.. All. The. Time. 😵 Some have struggled with sadness and depression. Others have lost their lives.

We are all struggling, just look around!!😔 Whether in your close circle of family & friends, or the world in we live in. Someone, somewhere is having a rough go at it. One thing that keeps coming to my mind, again & again, is gratitude. Gratitude for my Heavenly Father’s plan. Gratitude for my AMAZING family. Gratitude for my friends. Gratitude for my life. When things feel like they’re falling apart, they eventually will fall into place, somehow, some way.

I have really been thinking about this life. About our life. The life that we jumped and “shouted for joy” (Job 38:7) to come here for. How truly precious it is & how short it is. My heart is bursting with gratitude! Of how GRATEFUL I am to be here, on this earth at this time.

Elder James E. Faust said: “The thankful heart opens our eyes to a multitude of blessings that continually surround us.”

There are so many blessings that God is pouring out over and upon us. We just need to take a step back, and look to Him. He will help us see, just how BLESSED we all are. If you look for the good, you will find it. If you look for the bad, you’ll find a plethora of that too. But it’s all about your perspective!

I hope you can take some time today to pause & reflect on your life. 💆🏻‍♀️ Find a quiet place & count your blessings. Say a little prayer of gratitude. You’ll realize once again, if you don’t already know, how truly blessed you are. Past blessings might even come to mind. If you’re reading this, you’re alive & breathing & I don’t know about you, but that’s already a win! 👊🏻 Remember, God is mindful of YOU & He wants to bless you! So, count your blessings, look for & see the good, & don’t forget to live each day with a heart ♥️ full of gratitude!  #tooblessedtobestressed


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