The “perfect” life doesn’t exist:

The idea of someone having the perfect life is 1000% FALSE. Newsflash: no one does. When you see others with their perfect this or that, that’s because that is all you get to see. All they are allowing you to see. You don’t see the crazy disheveled MESS that their life might actually be. Granted their life may not be messy all the time, but no one is making it out without a scratch.

I don’t know where this idea of a “perfect” life came from. I mean, it’d be nice to have.. nothing would go wrong, you would only cry “happy” tears, we’d NEVER compare ourselves, or our lives. Our bodies would be FLAWLESS, and let’s not forget that everyone would have the exact same life... because their life would be perfect too...but is that what we all really want? We all want to be like everyone else? 

Ummm, no thank you. My life is far from perfect. I don’t take up residence on a pedestal and I never would want to. I try my best every day. I try to not compare my life to someone else’s, because all that brings is sadness. I try to not beat myself up when I make mistakes. I don’t try to outdo anyone, or make them think I’m better and “have it all together”. I just TRY... try to become better, for myself, every day. Not anyone else. Only comparing how I was yesterday to how I am today.

My hope is you’d do the same. That you would improve because YOU want to, not because you’re forced to, or because you want your life to be like so and so who lives down the street.

If all our lives were the exact SAME...what would be the point? The point of life? The point of learning new things and growing? There wouldn’t be one. Because our life would already be “perfect”.

But that’s the beauty of this life. We are all DIFFERENT. We look, act, live, think, talk, walk, etc ALL differently. And that is what makes us all unique, in our own way. 

The next time you look at someone from the outside perspective, or start comparing your life to theirs, just stop. If you truly knew that person and what was going on in their life, you’d know that what you see might not be what you get. And their life is FAR from perfection. 

So, my friends. Take time to really get to know one another. Stop comparing and change the way you think. We are all going through battles that even the people you are closest to, might not have a clue about. Treat others with love and kindness. We’ve all walked that dark and lonely road... so if you get the chance, stop and lift others where you are. You never know what someone is going through, behind those closed doors. ♥️


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