
Showing posts from May, 2021

Life is too short to waste it!

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about our individual lives on this earth and the time we are each allotted.  🌎  No one person knows the day that will be their last, and honestly I don’t know if I would want to know.  We all lead busy lives and at times it can be overwhelming. We have lots of things that we think about on a day to day basis- and every little thing that we need to accomplish. We obsess over how our bodies look (or how they don’t). We spend money on things we really don’t need. We rush opportunities we have with our loved ones. We work too hard and don’t play enough. We don’t have time to serve and help others. And we are all impatiently waiting to arrive at our next BIG thing.  “When I’m down 20 lbs.” “When I’m debt free.” “When I’m not so busy...” “When my medical treatments work” “When I have more time..” “When I’m married with kids” Etc. Etc. Etc.   THEN I’ll live my life to the fullest. Then I’ll be able to do what I want. Then I’ll be...

Love where you are at!

  But seriously though.. 👆🏻👏🏻🥰  Growing up in young women’s, I remember making a 5-10 year plan. I think all of our plans included marriage and family. We even wrote letters to our future spouses. And of course that’s what my plan included- get married to the man of my dreams and have children before I was 25. Okay, done!  👊🏻 The older I got, (past 25) and the more my life didn’t go according to the plan I thought it should follow, I became discouraged.  😞   Marriage and children were supposed to why weren’t they happening for me? That’s what I was told would happen.. and so when it hasn’t happened  (yet) when I thought it should, I was disappointed. I felt like I got the short end of the deal. I’ve had a few experiences in my life, where I’ve tried to tell today’s teens that it’s “normal” to not have most things happen when they think they should. In fact you should count on it!  I didn’t tell them this to discourage them, I told th...

Be patient & wait on the Lord!

I heard somewhere that patience is using the time God gives you so you can bless others. It helps me take a step back and ask myself if I’m doing just that. Helping others. When I help others and serve, I feel like my own problems, worries, and stresses dissipate. I feel lifted 😌 Patience is definitely something that I need more of. 🙋🏻‍♀️ Who in this earth doesn’t right? Elder Neal A. Maxwell said “Patience is tied very closely to faith in our Heavenly Father. Actually, when we are unduly impatient, we are suggesting that we know what is best—better than does God. Or, at least, we are asserting that our timetable is better than God’s..” I definitely don’t know more than God, and I don’t pretend to. I get impatient when the things I want aren’t happening. 😣 But God is in charge and He is AWARE of us.  PS I think learning patience will be my life’s journey! 😅  To be blessed with more patience throughout our life’s sojourn we need to have faith. Faith that our loving Father ...

Trust God & Do Good!

At times it may feel like you are the only one dealing with disappointments, heartaches, and frustrations. You might think to yourself, “If one more thing happens, I’m going to lose it!” Anyone else been there? 🥺  This has been me lately. (And when I say lately it’s been for the last couple months...) One hard trial after another comes and rears it’s ugly face, all while throwing me for an unexpected loop. 😳 I should know by now that hard things are going to happen. They are one thing we can rely on in this life! We are going to have pain, we will suffer, we will have moments where we ugly cry to God, yell even, & moments where we feel we just cannot go on. We may even think “where the heck is my light at the end of the tunnel?!” Or even “where are my blessings?!” This was me the other day. I had just found out that something I really wanted didn’t work out. 😞 It was a hard pill to swallow and I felt kinda numb most of the day. I found it easy to be angry & disappointed ...

YOU are worthy!

 New post! 👏🏻♥️ (Trust me, just read it, you’ll thank me later. 😉) Years ago, when I was working at Deseret Book in the distribution part of the store, each day I had the opportunity to help those that were preparing to go through the temple and receive their endowment. 😌 I loved working at this job! I got to meet all sorts of people from all walks of life and talk about something I love: the gospel of Jesus Christ and the temple.  One particular afternoon, I had had a wonderful sacred experience with a mom and daughter that had came in to the store. I was helping them get their ceremonial clothing, and as we were talking I bore my testimony of how wonderful the temple is! (It’s not every day that you get to bear your testimony at your job.) 🤗 The spirit was so strong and we all walked away feeling so uplifted. 🙏🏻 Afterwards I walked out, said goodbye to my new friends, and went and talked to my coworker. This coworker is amazing and I am grateful the Lord put her in my...