Love where you are at!

 But seriously though..πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ₯° Growing up in young women’s, I remember making a 5-10 year plan. I think all of our plans included marriage and family. We even wrote letters to our future spouses. And of course that’s what my plan included- get married to the man of my dreams and have children before I was 25. Okay, done! πŸ‘ŠπŸ»

The older I got, (past 25) and the more my life didn’t go according to the plan I thought it should follow, I became discouraged. πŸ˜ž 

Marriage and children were supposed to why weren’t they happening for me? That’s what I was told would happen.. and so when it hasn’t happened  (yet) when I thought it should, I was disappointed. I felt like I got the short end of the deal.

I’ve had a few experiences in my life, where I’ve tried to tell today’s teens that it’s “normal” to not have most things happen when they think they should. In fact you should count on it! 

I didn’t tell them this to discourage them, I told them this only because I wish someone would’ve told me that....So I could have that in the back of my mind just in case marriage and family didn’t happen as quickly as I wanted it, everything would still be okay! That God hasn’t forgotten me and that I’ve been living the plan He has had for me all along! ♥️ Trust Him! Keep His commandments and He will bless you. It might not be the ways you think He should, but trust that He knows you, that He sees the end from the beginning, and that He loves you so so much. πŸ₯Ί♥️☀️

I’d tell them that It’s okay to be single. It’s encouraged to find out who you are and what you want before marriage. Am I grateful it worked out like that? You bet! If it didn’t work out like that, would I have regretted it? Absolutely not. Life doesn’t stop once you’ve reached 25... it continues on! 

Am I discrediting marriage and family? Definitely not! It’s what I want someday.. in fact it’s what I want the most... but it hasn’t happened yet. And that’s ok! 

There’s no recipe for life, as much as I wish there was. It doesn’t work like that.Yes we can have goals, hopes, and dreams- but some things in our lives, we just don’t have control over. 

So my advice to you all, no matter your age or where you are at in your life, is to simply LIVE. Get to know yourself. Set an example. Be happy. Be sad. Love. Take risks. Go on adventures. But most importantly, ENJOY where you are at. ♥️

We’ve only got one life. And my plea to you is that you don’t waste it away wishing for a different one because X, Y, and Z aren’t happening. ☀️πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ™πŸ»♥️


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