Trust God & Do Good!

At times it may feel like you are the only one dealing with disappointments, heartaches, and frustrations. You might think to yourself, “If one more thing happens, I’m going to lose it!” Anyone else been there? 🥺 

This has been me lately. (And when I say lately it’s been for the last couple months...) One hard trial after another comes and rears it’s ugly face, all while throwing me for an unexpected loop. 😳

I should know by now that hard things are going to happen. They are one thing we can rely on in this life! We are going to have pain, we will suffer, we will have moments where we ugly cry to God, yell even, & moments where we feel we just cannot go on. We may even think “where the heck is my light at the end of the tunnel?!” Or even “where are my blessings?!”

This was me the other day. I had just found out that something I really wanted didn’t work out. 😞 It was a hard pill to swallow and I felt kinda numb most of the day. I found it easy to be angry & disappointed and I honestly didn’t feel like looking for the positive. I felt rejected & sad. 😔

But then a dear friend had posted some of their thoughts and testimony on social media & I really needed that! He sent me a video & the woman talked about how things aren’t going to work out sometimes, and that it’s easy to give up, but we can’t! We need to trust God & do good. ♥️ A no brainer right? 🤦🏻‍♀️ 

As simple as it is, it’s so easy to forget. Especially when life just sucks. We must trust God AND be doing good things! 

I’m not the greatest at trusting God & waiting patiently for Him to work in my life. But I’m trying. And one thing I do know is that the Lord loves effort. No matter where we are, if we are doing OUR best, God will bless us. It’s not the best according to the world or your neighbor, it’s the best that YOU & I can do. 👊🏻

Because at the end of the day, when my emotions are running high, my heart is hanging by a thread, and I don’t know what is going to happen next, (cause no one knows that) I KNOW I can turn to my loving Father in Heaven & be lifted up. Even if it’s just to get me through the day. And guess what, He can do the same for YOU! ♥️


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