Life is too short to waste it!

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about our individual lives on this earth and the time we are each allotted. 🌎 No one person knows the day that will be their last, and honestly I don’t know if I would want to know. 

We all lead busy lives and at times it can be overwhelming. We have lots of things that we think about on a day to day basis- and every little thing that we need to accomplish. We obsess over how our bodies look (or how they don’t). We spend money on things we really don’t need. We rush opportunities we have with our loved ones. We work too hard and don’t play enough. We don’t have time to serve and help others. And we are all impatiently waiting to arrive at our next BIG thing. 

“When I’m down 20 lbs.” “When I’m debt free.” “When I’m not so busy...” “When my medical treatments work” “When I have more time..” “When I’m married with kids” Etc. Etc. Etc.  


I’ll live my life to the fullest. Then I’ll be able to do what I want. Then I’ll be able to have more time/money to help others. Then I’ll have time to give more.. once my life is EXACTLY how I want it. 

Why limit yourself to a life without possibility? Why not ENJOY your life now?

The meaning of our lives varies by person. To me, life is about taking risks, making mistakes, finding Jesus, making more mistakes- getting to the point where maybe you learn something from them, serving others, smiling at a stranger, laughing at a silly joke or at yourself, trying to be a better person, and just LIVING. 

This life is too short and death always makes me realize that even more. It will happen to us all eventually, but how we leave this earth will say a lot about us. How we live our lives right now can say a lot about us. 

How do you want to be remembered?

LIVE each and every day as if it were your last. Love those around you. Take time to teach someone something. Drop that card off to your neighbor that you’ve been thinking about. Call your friend. Visit your family. Go see the world, and just be KIND. 

You only have 1 life, so LOVE where you are and don’t forget to LIVE. 🥺♥️☀️


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