Scripture Power!

Hi friends! Less of a social life, has helped me really think more about life. I think about my seminary students & how they’re doing- my family, my friends, & all that is going on around me. I miss them! 😔 I miss the old “routine”, BUT, out with old & in with the new! As I was doing some personal study this morning, the words on the pages came to life. The beautiful thing about the scriptures, is that every time I read, I get something new and different out of the verses than I ever have before. Principles and doctrines pop out of the pages, and I am able to think how I can apply those to my own life. I was not the best scripture studier in high school. 😅 I memorized a ton of scriptures, but I struggled to read every day. I’d see my little brother and sister read their scriptures before bed and their example made me want to be better. I’m still a work in progress, but aren’t we all? Whether it’s scripture study, praying, fasting, etc...