Peace be still πŸ’—πŸ˜”πŸ˜Š

“JOY is ALWAYS within the reach of everyone who will Hear Him and obey His laws.” President Russell M. Nelson 

So many friends of mine are looking for peace at this time of panic. They are ridden with anxiety, doubt, worries, uncertainty, and some fear. It’s ok, to feel these emotions. We all have and all will! But there is no reason to fear! Our dear Heavenly Father is in charge and He has provided us with opportunities to grow! Opportunities to minister more to those who need comfort and love. To focus on what matters most. To step back and BE STILL. 

Just as President Russell M. Nelson said, as long as we are doing what God asks and keeping His commandments and laws, we all can have that JOY! That pure joy that comes from living the gospel of Jesus Christ πŸ’— Does that mean that our lives will be easy? Of course not! It’s foolish to think so. Trials will come and when they do, they’ll help us grow into the people that GODS WANTS us to become. They suck at times and are some of the hardest things I’ve ever had to go through. But, don’t give up. Push through. Have faith. And LIVE fully. Don’t stop living.

To all who follow me and are my friends on social media, no matter who or what you believe in, in this world, I KNOW that God is aware of you. YOU are HIS child. His hand is guiding YOU, and He loves YOU so much!! 

Elder Neil L. Andersen said “ Challenges WILL come to you, but as you TRUST IN GOD they will strengthen your faith”.  Not IF those challenges come, but WHEN they come, remember to: REACH out to Christ, push Satan out of your head, Trust Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, keep pushing through, and let Them help you through these perilous times. They are the ONLY ones that can bring the PEACE you seek and extend comfort to our weary souls. #happysunday #feedyoursoul #tooblessedtobestressed ♥️


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