Scripture Power!

Hi friends! Less of a social life, has helped me really think more about life. I think about my seminary students & how they’re doing- my family, my friends, & all that is going on around me. I miss them! πŸ˜” I miss the old “routine”, BUT, out with old & in with the new! 

As I was doing some personal study this morning, the words on the pages came to life. The beautiful thing about the scriptures, is that every time I read, I get something new and different out of the verses than I ever have before. Principles and doctrines pop out of the pages, and I am able to think how I can apply those to my own life.

I was not the best scripture studier in high school. πŸ˜… I memorized a ton of scriptures, but I struggled to read every day. I’d see my little brother and sister read their scriptures before bed and their example made me want to be better. I’m still a work in progress, but aren’t we all? Whether it’s scripture study, praying, fasting, etc. there is always something to work on.

Since then, I have really been making my scripture study more of a priority in my life. In Mosiah 2:34 King Benjamin says: “... ye are eternally indebted to your heavenly Father, to render to Him all that you have and are.” We are not our own. We are His! Heavenly Father has given us everything. All He is asking in return is that we do what He asks, by keeping His commandments. IF we do that, we will prosper in the land! We will be HAPPY! πŸ˜ (Mosiah 2:41) 

Wherever you are at in your journey of life, may we all take the time to care for each other, thank and praise God for all we have, and re-commit ourselves daily to being better disciples of Christ. 

I know the Book of Mormon is TRUE! I know that it was written for us in our day. As we read from it’s pages DAILY, we will be filled with the spirit of the Lord, protected from the adversary, and have more JOY in our lives than before. Don’t be discouraged though if it gets more difficult, the harder you try. Those who are doing what’s right and really TRYING, it will constantly be an uphill climb. But don’t lose hope, God and Christ will help us, as well as those who are seen and unseen. Love you all! ♥️ #blessedwiththebest #scripturepowerπŸ‘ŠπŸ»


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