You are loved πŸ’—

 New post! ❤️

For most of us, February 14th is pretty well known around the world, dating back to the 14th and 15th century. When people think of Valentine’s Day there can be a lot of meaning and feelings that are associated with this day- whether positive or negative, good or bad, sad or happy. 

The deeper I dug, I found that Vday isn’t just about romantic love, it’s about reflecting on ALL the love that you have in your life, giving love to others, and connecting with God. ❤️

Being single for what felt like forever, valentines was something that I never celebrated because I tended to focus more on the romantic side, when really I should have focused more on all of the amazing people and other kinds of love that I had in my life. Not just what I was “lacking”.

Whatever your thoughts and feelings of this day are now.. whether you have a “romantic” valentine or not, try to focus on the many people in your life that love and care about you! Focus on the fact that: πŸ’—

God loves you

He is aware of you

He has a plan for you! 

There are people in this life that love and care for you!

There is so much MORE to this life than we sometimes remember. We forget of all the good things we have and we focus on what we don’t- (a relationship, children, a dream job, marriage, romantic love, etc) I have really tried to focus on serving others, working on developing my relationship with the Divine, and realizing all the love around me  πŸ’— Doing that, my mindset shifted and has made Valentine’s one of my most favorite days! 

I don’t know if any of these thoughts and feelings make sense, but always remember that it’s not about what your relationship status is, it’s about remembering how much YOU are loved. You are loved so much by so many people. πŸ’— There is meaning and purpose to your life. There is a reason you are here! Keep your chin up, and oh, happy Valentine’s Day Darling! πŸ’˜πŸ’Œ


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