Trust in God and His love for you ♥️

 New post!

Something happened to me last week that really shocked me. I didn’t see it coming at all and was very distraught. 😣 It’s hard when things happen to you that you don’t have control over. I kept thinking how can this happen? What did I do wrong to deserve this? What am I going to do? πŸ˜”

After my emotions settled and I said a silent prayer, I knew God was listening and that He knew exactly what was going on. This event in my life, although a complete surprise to me, was not a surprise at all to my Father in Heaven. He saw this coming and knew all about it. It brings me some comfort to know that He knew that- He knew what was coming, how to help me, and that it’d be ok.

There have been many circumstances where my life and the things around me were completely falling apart, or what felt like falling apart. I felt like my world was ending and all the hopes I had were shattered. Looking back on similar events that I’ve gone through, and being able to see God’s hand in my life, I know that the things that were happening to me were all a part of my loving and caring Heavenly Father’s plan. 🀍

In the moments when your life seems dreary and you are bogged down with anger towards others, sadness, confusion, depression, and worry…. remember that God has a plan. Our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ love us so much and will grieve with us, ache with us, and weep with us. ❤️ He sees the end from the beginning and He knows how to comfort and help us individually. 

Trust God and His love for you! I know that those heartbreaks, as hard as they are, WILL turn for our good and God will see you through them. ☀️ He’ll take thee by the hand and carry thee. He will be right beside you every step of the way, however hard and painful it may be to even put one foot in front of the other. 

Have faith, hope, and trust that God really does want the best for us and it will be ok! He will bless you and comfort you and guide you to something even better!! ❤️


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