Happy Father’s Day 🤠

 Where do I begin? Happy Father’s Day 🤠  I feel a lot like the prophet Nephi. I too have been born of goodly parents. ♥️ I seriously have been blessed with two of the best and I’m so grateful that Heavenly Father let me be their daughter. ♥️

I was talking to my dad the other day on the phone and we were talking about how hard the job search has been and how the trials of life have just been rough. The more we talked the more grateful I became. Over the years my dad has always been someone I could talk to. With his career in truck driving, we have had lots of opportunities to just talk to each other for hours. In college, in the morning, the afternoon, the night- I know I could always call my corn pops 😘 (same goes for my mother)

At the end of our conversation my dad and I had a couple days ago, my dad said, “Keep your chin up, everything will work out. God will not fail you.” 

As soon as we ended the conversation those words were just stuck in my head and I was so overcome with emotion. God will not fail you. I immediately started praying to my Heavenly Father and thanked Him. I knew He would not fail me. I knew He had a plan for me. I knew it was going to be OK and things were going to work out. 🙏🏻 I knew He was aware of me and I was just so overcome with gratitude for my earthly father and my Heavenly Father. ♥️ 

Life has a funny way of reminding you of the things that matter most. I’m so grateful for the hard things. I’m grateful for my father in heaven and for my dad. I’m so blessed to have amazing examples in my life and for the person I’ve become through these amazing people in my life. 

Cowboy movies are one of my dad’s favorite things so with that being said-🤠 John Wayne said “courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.” 

Life is good. God is great. All things will work out! ♥️ To all the fathers, brothers, husbands, grandpa’s, uncles, brother in laws, and friends- Happy Father’s Day!


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