Gratitude is the best medicine πŸ™πŸ»

 “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” - Moulin Rouge 

I am so freaking grateful for Cason and for the gospel of Jesus Christ! Life has been quite challenging these last few weeks and I am so grateful that I get to go throughout life with Cason by my side and Heavenly Father guiding and directing us. 

He really is there for you and wants to help and bless you. πŸ₯° It got me thinking that sometimes that help from our Father in Heaven comes in the form of a learning experience/trial. As hard and not fun as those can be at times, I know we can do the hard things! Don’t give up, have faith that His plan is better for you, and keep going! 

Here are a couple things I’ve been appreciating lately. πŸ’› 

- How GOOD God is 

- Life is hard, but worth it 

- God’s plan for you is PERFECT 

- When trials come, Trust God- He sees the whole picture 

- Laughter really is the best medicine 

- Take time to meditate and pray 

- Look for opportunities to serve others. When you serve others, you seem to forget your own problems and that gives you the mental capacity to help someone else in need πŸ’›

- God knows what we need when we need it 

I’m so grateful for marriage and for being able

to have met Cason! He has been such a blessing in my life and I’m so so grateful for him ♥️ I love him so much! Being able to go through trials and life together with each other is still challenging, but having someone right there is something that I prayed for for so long, and God answered that in His own time. I’m forever grateful for that πŸ’›☀️πŸ™πŸ»


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