Soooo blessed ☀️

I just feel so blessed. Blessed to have so many INCREDIBLE individuals in my life. ♥️ Blessed to have a loving and caring Father in Heaven who is so patient with me and who is always willing to help me & listen. He is always there and such a constant in my life. 🙏🏻 Blessed to have a flexible job with great co-workers. Blessed to have a wonderful family that God knew I needed. Blessed to have friends that even though they themselves are going through hard times, they help lift and give me a boost when I need it. 🙏🏻 I just feel special. We ALL are.

As I was catching up on some messages from friends and family last night, my heart swelled with gratitude for the wonderful people I have in my life. ☀️ I think when we stop and take a step back, we truly do realize how BLESSED we each are. We may not have anything going our way or working out the way we think it should, but just know that there is a greater plan in the works for you. A better one than you could imagine!

God is truly aware of you and what you’re going through. He knows your desires, wants, and needs. Your hardships, weaknesses, and doubts. Just keep having faith, looking for the good, and serving those around you. Whether it’s a simple text to say “I’m thinking of you”, or a pray uttered to God thanking Him for all your blessings, let us all take the time to count our blessings. That doesn’t mean our trials and hardships will go away, but I think it helps us look for the good & gives us more hope. We also dwell more on the positive things and get to see how blessed we really are.💕 #tooblessedtobestressed #havehope #itllworkout


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