Peace be Still 🤍

 I had an interesting experience tonight as I was going to the temple. I really needed the peace of the temple tonight and being able to have that direct communication & guidance from my Father in Heaven. I definitely made some sacrifices to be there and was really looking forward to it. I walked into the temple and scanned my recommend and found out that it had expired 2 weeks ago. 😔

A man came over and said “this is why they call me, to have me tell you no.” That you can’t come in. I started to cry and walked out of the temple and headed straight to my car where I immediately started to cry more. 😭 

I felt heartbroken, rejected, and unwelcome and that feeling sucked. I felt guilty for not getting my recommend renewed and sad that I couldn’t go to the session tonight. After calling and talking to a couple family members and close friends, I tried to take a step back and realize that those temple workers are imperfect people, just like I am. And that my Savior knew exactly how I felt. He too had felt rejected, heartbroken, and unwelcome.

I know that on the days where we sacrifice a lot that, we may feel like it goes unnoticed, but I can assure you my friends that God sees every sacrifice and knows and loves us so much. He will bless us as we make those sacrifices, even if those experiences don’t end up like we feel that they should. 🙏🏻

I kept crying and tried to take some deep breaths, knowing that it was going to be ok and that those workers were just doing their job. Much like in life, things don’t go the way we feel they should. I don’t know why we have experiences like this, but I know that our Father in Heaven is always there. He’s ready and waiting to listen and to bring us peace. 🤍 He will literally wipe our tears.

I felt like I needed to share my experience. No matter what, you are loved and never forgotten by God! Even if at times you feel rejected, unwanted, or unwelcome in the church. There is a place for you! Let us all remember to be kind to one another, to leave the judgin’ to Jesus, and to just love one another. We are all going through hard things  and we could all use more love. ❤️


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