Self acceptance is the first step to self confidence: Part 1!

This topic is something that I hold near and dear to my heart. It’s something that means a lot to me and if I can help at least one person today with my words then it will always be worth it! So my dear friend, this is for you. πŸ’›

When I have things on my mind or decisions that I need to make, I like to go somewhere quiet and relaxing to think things out. With the world around us in complete chaos at times, I’ve treasured those moments more. Does anyone else do that? If so, what do you like to do to clear your head? To de-stress? To unwind?

I’ll usually sit and close my eyes and say a silent little prayer. I try to clear my mind, take some deep breaths, and refocus myself. 🧘‍♀️

On my walk a few months ago, around my grandma’s neighborhood, I came upon this beautiful tree! 🌳The tree was healthy and strong, had a big trunk, and the leaves were bright green! As the sun came through the leaves, it was such a beautiful sight! ☀️

You see, when trees first start out and as they live their long lives: 

•They don’t look around and worry that their leaves aren’t as big or as bright as the leaves around them. 

•They don’t compare their trunk marks to other trunk marks. 

•They don’t stop growing because they’re afraid they’ll never look like the other trees. 

•They don’t beat themselves up because they aren’t as bright and vibrant as their neighbor. And the list could go on and on. 

•They are just themselves! All trees are unique, one of a kind, and 100% themselves, and each grow to their full potential at their own rate! Be patient and trust the process!

•They wouldn’t know who else to be and they thought of them being another tree is just silly!

•They don’t say mean things about the other behind their back or to their face.

•They beautifully exist.

•They understand that GROWTH is a process. Each tree grows differently, and at a different rate. 🌲 but that is how it’s supposed to be!

This got me thinking about us, as human beings! The first step to becoming confident is to ACCEPT yourself. Accepting yourself can be difficult. Often times, it is the little things we do, over a period of time or the course of our lives, that help us all become more loving and accepting of ourselves.

For example. If you don’t know where to start, start with positive self talk: Yup. Talk to yourself in the mirror, in the car, when you wake up, etc. Over time, you’ll start to believe these words that you say, and that is one step closer to self acceptance. πŸ’—

I am enough

I am worth it

I am beautiful just the way I am

I have worth and value (or fill in the blank)

I am worthy of love

I love myself

I accept myself 

However and whatever you choose to say each day, DON’T STOP repeating it. Believe in those words! Ralph Waldo Emerson said “As a man thinketh, so is he...” We are the ones that limit ourselves and hold ourselves back. Don’t let that be the case in your life.........starting NOW. 

When you accept yourself, truly accept yourself, you don’t need others to accept you. You are unburdened by that- you are free! You start to criticize yourself less, and love yourself more. And loving yourself more is what it’s all about! (Stay tuned for part 2) πŸ’š #selfacceptance #selflove #bodypositivity #iamworthit


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