Waiting.. πŸ’•


New post! One you definitely won’t want to miss out on reading. 

WAITING…. one word that brings so many emotions to my soul. I was a bit melancholy last night as I laid down to go to bed. Thoughts of what I really want to happen that aren’t happening right now in my life flooded my mind. Tears spilled out and for a moment I wondered if what I wanted was ever going to happen and if God really was aware of me. πŸ˜” That doubt and despair didn’t last very long, because instantly this post and these words came to my mind. It brought comfort to my heart and made me cry even more, but in that moment, I knew God knew. I knew He was aware of me and has a beautiful plan all for me. I knew that He loves me and He wants me to be happy. I knew that He knew I was struggling. That I was sad and discouraged. 

Friends, sometimes He has us wait. I don’t know why- heck I don’t know a lot of things. But one thing I do know is that God is listening. He sees all, and He is continuously blessing each one of us. 

I’d like to think that I’m somewhat good at waiting, other times not so much. I feel like I’ve had a pretty good share of it in the short 29 years in this earth. Waiting is hard. It’s difficult. It’s nerve wracking and such an emotional rollercoaster. πŸŽ’ 

All of us, at one point or another in our lives will find ourselves waiting. Maybe it’s for something that we truly want to have happen that is not happening yet. Maybe it’s for news we are really looking forward to. Maybe it’s for a trial to end. Maybe it’s for a light to present itself at the end of a dark tunnel. 

We all are familiar with the feeling. It’s slightly uncomfortable, it tests our patience and trust in God. And honestly it’s just plain hard some days to wait. Nobody likes to wait, but in the times of waiting, we can refine our faith in God. We can strengthen our trust in Him. We can find a way to enjoy our journey and be happy, no matter what is or isn’t happening.

Whether you’ve been waiting for a baby, a relationship, a job, a promotion, marriage, test results, a specific blessing, or a dream you’ve wanted your entire life… please don’t give up on God. He has not and will not ever give up on you! 

Just keep holding on. Keep persevering and taking another step forward. I promise you, that whatever you are waiting for, it WILL finally come. I don’t know when, but it will. In the meantime, be happy for those around you that receive the blessings you so desperately want. It was almost as if God was saying this right to me and to you in the most lovingly way, “your time will come little one. YOUR time will come.” πŸ’•


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