I stand all amazed 🤍✝️🙏🏻

 This Easter week has hit me so much stronger than any other Easter before. I feel such a greater appreciation for my Savior Jesus Christ and all that He endured for me. It really has become a Holy Week. 🤍 I have been humbled as I have put more of an effort into thinking more about my Savior and friend. He willingly suffered in the garden and hung on that cross for me without a second thought. I am overwhelmed with how much love He has for me, what that means for me, and how it brings peace to my soul. 

I think a lot of times in life we go up and we go down. We do what we’re supposed to do and then sometimes we don’t. We choose the right, then we become complacent, and then we repent and get back to doing what we know is right. It’s this cycle. We’re constantly changing, we’re constantly becoming different, and (hopefully) we are learning and becoming better. 

The whole point of this life is to improve-to strive to become a better person, day by day after each small and simple thing we do.  Sometimes we get off the path and stay there for a little bit and that’s ok. But the goal is to redirect and get back on. We live and we (hopefully) learn the things we need to learn one small step at a time. 

God wants you to be happy. He wants you to have joy. He wants you to choose the right. He wants to bless you-But He won’t force you to do that. He wants you to choose, to use the agency He has given us. God gently, slowly, and in the most lovingly way, helps us get back on the straight and narrow. He takes us to heights we couldn’t even imagine, destination’s we couldn’t have dreamed of, and to places we’ve never been. All because God & our Savior Jesus Christ LOVE us all so much. 

My dear friends, YOU are never too far gone for the love of God to reach you. There isn’t anything you can do that will make God & our Savior Jesus Christ  love you less. 💗 You are His! 

During this Easter Season let us all remember that Christ gave his life for you. We can repent and improve every day! The blood He spilled so freely, the pain He endured, the loneliness He felt, and the sorrow that beset Him while He was suffering was all for YOU. 

“I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me. 

Confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me. I tremble to know that for ME He was crucified, that for me, a sinner, he suffered, he bled and died.

Oh it is wonderful that he should care for me enough to die for me… wonderful to me.”❤️

No matter what you are experiencing in your life right now Christ is there for you! As you’re enduring your own garden of gethsemane, whether it’s the loneliness that comes from being single, struggles with infertility, debilitating physical pain, temptations, financial stress, addictions, anger, resentment, dealing with the loss of a loved one, jealousy, etc. Jesus Christ suffered through all these things for you so that you don’t have to go through it alone. Don’t give up! Everything will be okay. Sunday will come. ❤️


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