A season for renewal πŸͺ΄

 New post! 

This season is a time for renewal: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (Ecclesiasties 3:1)πŸͺ΄ 

Ever since my Instagram got hacked, I honestly haven’t felt very inspired to write. I feel like the inspiration I usually receive, when it comes to my blog, usually comes quick and I can’t seem to write it down fast enough. But as of late, I just haven’t felt inspired- πŸ˜žuntil I was walking up to my door the other day and spotted some green little plant life popping out of the ground. 

I stopped and paused to take a photo and the thoughts that began to swirl around my mind were thoughts of renewal, strength, and peace. πŸ•Š By definition renewal means to “give fresh life or strength to; revive.”

 Each spring the plants πŸŒ± come to life again! And just like you and I, each Sunday we have the opportunity to renew ourselves. To renew the covenants we have made with God. To use Jesus Christ’s Atonement more in our lives to start anew.

Spring gives us the opportunity to become better, to stand taller, to rid bad habits, and to start new ones. To be kinder to ourselves and one another and to grow. πŸŒ·Don’t be so hard on yourselves- the world is going to throw enough rotten things at us, that we all need to  remember to show ourselves more love. You deserve it! 

“You can change. 

You can be a little better.

You can stand a little taller.

You can love a little deeper.

You can pick a different path.

You can walk a different walk.

You can find forgiveness. And joy.

You can become your best you.

Because He gave his life, 

YOU can change yours.”

So as we all embark on this new season in our lives with the beautiful weather outside and the new LIFE that is growing and sprouting around us, remember that CHANGE can be a beautiful thing.🐣 

Remember that YOU have worth. Remember that you can become better, because in the end what and who we grow into and change into is what matters. It’s not our marital status, how much money we made in our life, what job we held, etc. it’s how we treated one another. It’s the hardships we went through, the lessons that followed, the faith and hope that we gained, and the person we became. πŸ’—πŸ˜Œ


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