The last few years!

Hello there! Thanks for reading ☺️

 My mind got wandering back to the last 10 years of my life. So many things have happened, so many experiences have been lived through, and so many life lessons learned. 

I have often wondered if I would have been the same person that I am today, if the things I really wanted to happen, when I wanted them to happen had happened.

But then my mind came back to today, to the present, right here right now, to this very moment. I look back on my earthly sojourn and couldn’t help but feel so much love and gratitude that things happened the way they were supposed to. The way God planned them to happen all along. That His plan for me was always the better of the deal.

There have been countless people I have met along the way that have literally changed my life. Countless relationships that were formed with amazing individuals, at the exact moment we needed them. I honestly don’t know if I would’ve been able to meet all of them earlier than when I met them. 

I’m so grateful for God’s plan. I’m so grateful for His love that He has for you and me. I’m so grateful for the hardships.. even though, at times they truly are the last thing I would like to go through. 

Waiting on the Lord is hard and always will be, but if we have faith, hope, and a trust in God that things will improve and we will be okay-We will be more than okay. We will be so much better off. Through God, we can accomplish anything. We can do and be anything!

Life is full of surprises, twists and turns, disappointments, heartache, joy, happiness, and so many more. So always remember to be grateful and to thank God every day for all He has given you and what He will give you. We are so blessed my friends, and God will truly take us by the hand and lead us along. ♥️ #reindeerfarm #alaska #soblessed


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