
 New post! πŸ‘‡πŸ»

As I was driving up the canyon to yet another job interview, my thoughts went to waiting on the Lord. My mind was overcome with this thought that I want to share with all of you. 

Joseph Smith was in Liberty jail for a long time. (Approx 5 months) It wasn’t because of his disobedience, Joseph had done nothing wrong. To me, God had something prepared for Joseph. Something big- a great work for him to accomplish. Just like God has things prepared for you and I. The Lord needed him to grow. He needed him to learn something only this experience would afford him. It was hard & the conditions were brutal.

Just like in our own lives when the Lord has us waiting, it’s not because we’re not doing what we’re supposed to, or that we’re not keeping His commandments, or maybe it is. 🀷🏻‍♀️ It might be, because He needs us to grow and become better or it might be through these very specific trials. Trials that provide us with individual and unique opportunities for growth. 

It’s hard when the Lord has us do this- WAIT. To be honest, it’s hard and I don’t like it, but I think most of you probably feel the same way. Waiting is arduous. It almost makes me feel like it’s because I did something wrong and the Lord is punishing me, but I know that’s not the case. It makes me feel impatient.. why isn’t anything happening?? But, there’s things that I need to do, lessons that I need to learn, and leading to develop that trust in Him that I have to have in order to grow and become better. 

Whether you’ve been waiting on the Lord for a specific blessing such as a spouse, a job, a loved one to get feeling better, for a child, etc. Whatever the case has been in your life-keep trusting and keep waiting upon the Lord. It’s a sacred  calling and you can do it!

So just when you think that your blessings are not coming, remember that the best of us have waited upon the Lord. The Lord is blessing you in other ways. Be thankful and look for the good, keep His commandments, repent daily, and don’t lose hope and faith. Continue to put your trust in him and know that His plan is so much better for you than you could’ve come up with yourself.

I love you all and so does God♥️


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