When you feel disconnected from God, keep moving forward πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ₯°

Today, lots of thoughts have been on my mind. Lately, I haven’t been making as much of an effort as I normally do to connect with Heaven every day and feel the spirit. LIFE gets in the way and although most of my choices are still good, they aren’t the best choices I could be making. 

That results in me feeling a disconnect from God. πŸ˜• Although it’s not something I like to admit, I know I’m not the only one that has been there or will be there. It will happen to all of us.

Experiences like this wake me up and make me realize that something is missing in my life. That something needs to change so that I can partake of that peace again. So I can have That LOVE again that comes through the Holy Ghost, telling me that God is aware of me and that he loves me. πŸ˜‡ That He is aware of my hardships, my frustrations, my weaknesses, my faults, and He still loves me so much! 

This particular experience came this morning as I was watching music and the spoken word. Music, especially music from the Tabernacle Choir, holds a special place in my heart. It lifts me up when I need a boost, makes me stop to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, and let’s me feel God’s love through the testimony of music. 

I’m grateful for God, who is so loving and so merciful and has a plan for me and for you! I know life gets busy and in the way at times, but If you, like me, have been feeling a disconnect from God, put yourself in a place that fosters the Holy Ghost. For me that’s doing or listening to something that brings me peace. Listening to spiritual music, serving others, reading conference talks, reading the scriptures, or even just going for a walk and spending time in God’s creations. 

God is good my friends! He loves you! Look to Him and Jesus Christ for everything in your life. Christ is the master healer and He truly does know how to succor His people in times of need. ☀️🌡♥️ #blessed #godisgood #lookforthegood  #happysunday


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