What’s your purpose?


Many of us live our lives with a specific destination in mind. Every day we work towards that goal and try to be better each day. Some days we might feel like we’re on top of the world, other days we will struggle- A LOT. 

It’s hard to have a destination in mind when you’ve forgotten your purpose and why you’re here. It’s easy to forget who you are and Who’s you are. It’s easy to become distracted and lose sight of what you’re working towards. It’s easy to be tempted with the allure, bright lights, and the so called promises that will lead towards your so called “happiness”.

We only have one life my friends. We don’t get another shot at it. THIS IS IT! πŸ‘ŠπŸ» The choices we make today will have consequences, either good or bad. So what are you doing with your life? 

Questions to ponder: How are you spending your time? What choices am I making? What is my goal? Do you feel like you have a propose? If not, what are you doing so that you can feel like you have a purpose? Where is your focus? Where is your time being spent?

I think it’s safe to say that all of us are trying to do the best we can with what we know how to do. We’re all on this earth trying to be the best versions of ourselves. We’re trying to provide for ourselves and or our families, trying to make good choices, trying to find out why we’re here and where our destination is.

Give yourself some credit. You’re doing great! If you’re not happy in your life, do something about it. Change jobs, change your thinking, take care of yourself, so you can one day become the person you’re meant to be. ♥️ 


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