Newsflash: you’ll never figure life out πŸ€ͺ

 New post ahead: πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ₯° 

The more time I spend on this earth and the older I get, I’m starting to realize more and more things. Who would’ve thought? Haha The more people I meet and talk with, make me realize that no one, not one single person has a clue what the future holds. 🀷🏻‍♀️They don’t know what their life will look like or what comes next. They might’ve had a plan, but it didn’t go anywhere near how they thought it would go. But nonetheless, they’re grateful for what they’ve learned and where they are now.

I don’t know why, but growing up I always thought that at some point, you get to this place of knowing what’s ahead. Of knowing what your life will be like, and of what the future will hold. That you finally figure it all out. 😜

But that’s just not the case. Granted, I was a little sad to find this out πŸ˜… but then I started to feel better because I knew I wasn’t the only one that felt that way. 

It’s just not how life works. But this life does give us an opportunity to dig deep and get to know ourselves. It gives us each opportunities to rely on our own faith and trust in God more. It gives us an opportunity to not just live, but to really LIVE and to find out who we are and why we’re here. ☺️ Don’t worry, be happy right?

Every single one of us have been through experiences we didn’t plan on going through, trials that we didn’t see coming, and paths that took us into the unknown where we had never been before. 

In the end, I know we will all come out better. ♥️ Better individuals, better disciples, and just better in having experienced it all. I’m so grateful our loving Heavenly Father is in charge. He loves each and EVERY one of you so much! I’m so glad He is aware of us, and leads us along, even if it’s down paths we do not know. So, take His hand, pray always, hold on, and don’t give up! πŸ™πŸ»♥️ #illgowhereyouwantmetogo #havecourage #bebrave


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