Into the unknown!

 New post: Into the unknown! 

Save yourself some worry, and read it πŸ₯°πŸ‘‡πŸ»

Recently the topic of trust and obedience has come up a lot as I’ve been talking to some of my friends lately. Why they think I’m “good” at that, I’ll never know, πŸ˜… but I am trying my best to be that person- a faith filled, God trusting woman. πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

Amidst all the craziness in the world and all the unknown, for some, It’s hard to find peace and trust God in all the uncertainty. There’s so many reasons swirling around us that make it easy to doubt, question if God is there, or simply find the good. 

But trust me, my friends-God is there. ♥️ He is the silent teacher at times during trials, gently reaching forth His hand in times of need, and even sending other people to answer our prayers. πŸ™πŸ»

“Into the unknown” has been my theme the last year or so. (Frozen fans anyone? πŸ₯Ά)The meaning and song really hit me and has resonated with me so much. Silly, I know. But God works in mysterious ways. 

I've had my adventure, I don't need something new

I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you

Into the unknown

It’s easy to let fear guide our lives, to keep us up at night with worry, and to destroy us bit by bit. But the opposite of fear is FAITH. Faith in God. Faith in His individual plan for you. Faith that no matter what happens in this world, God is aware of us. Faith that as long as you’re choosing the right and trying your best, God has to bless you. (D&C 82:10)

It’s so easy to be scared, especially with some of the things that are happening right now all around us. But friends, we know who wins in the end. We know the signs, we’re starting to see more of those. So hold on! Keep the faith! Step out into the unknown, however scary it may seem, and start trusting God. Have faith in Him that He is helping you and that He is guiding you. πŸ₯° (Isaiah 55:8-9)

I’m nowhere near perfect at this, and I struggle a lot, but God meets us where we are, sees our efforts, and will bless us because of that! You can do it- embrace the unknown and have faith and trust in God. I believe in you, and so does He. So shall we? 

Every day's a little harder

As I feel my power grow

Don't you know there's part of me

That longs to go

Into the unknown?


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