I have confidence in me!

 “With each step I am more certain

Everything will turn out fine

I have confidence

The world can all be mine

They'll have to agree

I have confidence in me”🎡

This song πŸ‘†πŸ» has been in my head a lot the last couple weeks, and when I stopped to think about it, I asked myself if I really did have confidence in myself... I talk a lot about body positivity and self confidence- it’s something I’m passionate about! And I would also consider myself a pretty confident person. I love talking about and inspiring others to have that same confidence. πŸ‘πŸ» Being comfortable in your OWN skin is what it’s all about right? πŸ₯° 

In a world telling you to be something else, to look a certain way, to wear certain things, and do or don’t do certain things, being yourself is ALL that matters! 🀩

But sometimes I don’t feel confident. πŸ˜•When I look at pictures of myself, UGLY words come to my mind and I start to feel down. πŸ˜” I know I shouldn’t say those things to myself, but sometimes I do. 

But it got me thinking: πŸ€” 

Would we say those awful things to our friends? To our children? To our loved ones? 

Ummmm definitely not! Then why would we say those things to ourself?

Why can’t we just love our bodies, no matter what? The end. No questions asked. πŸ‘ŠπŸ» Why can’t we love them and for once when we look in the mirror, have absolutely nothing bad to say? I love you, thank you, you’re enough, the end. 

I’m trying to retrain my brain to treat my body and myself with more love. πŸ–€I’m trying to accept my body wholly, at every stage of my life. I’m trying to be ME, no questions asked. I’m trying to be more confident. ♥️

Isn’t that what we all are “trying” to do? 

Our bodies change! The key is to loving your body and accepting it in whatever stage you’re in. 

So, my friends! Join me in trying to be kinder to our bodies and loving where we are all are at physically! And always remember to LOVE yourself completely, accept yourself completely, and be 100% you! πŸ₯°πŸ‘πŸ» #bodypositivity #beyourself #loveyourself #youareloved #soundofmusic


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