What I want my next chapter to be like!

All of us have a story to tell. All of us have experiences, hardships, and life lessons that we have learned along the way. 

We’ve all made mistakes, (hopefully learned from them) and made choices that have gotten us to where we are. We never know when our time on this earth will end and to be honest, we don’t know a lot of what is going to happen to us..

But one thing we do know and can control is how we want to live and the decisions we make every day that will determine where we end up and the person we become along the way. We can write our next chapter!

A million questions that come to my mind are: Where am I going to be? What kind of job am I going to have? What is my next chapter of life going to look like? When will this and that happen. . . . and the list goes on.

Elder Robert D. Hales once said: “The purpose of our life on earth is to grow, develop, and be strengthened through our own experiences. How do we do this? The scriptures give us an answer in one simple phrase: we “wait upon the Lord....Waiting upon the Lord means to “stand fast” (Alma 45:17) and “press forward” in faith, “having a perfect brightness of hope” (2 Nephi 31:20).

Whatever the case may be, I do know that God is with me. ♥️ I am being led and guided to where I am supposed to be, by being patient (well trying to be anyway 😅) and waiting upon the Lord. 

Life might not unfold as quick as want it to unfold, but as we try our best to be patient, trust in God, have hope, and make good choices, He will be with us and guide us to where He needs us to be. He wants a relationship with every one of us because He loves you and I so so much!!

Even when we do not understand, God is working out our life for good! We can trust Him because He does have our best interest at heart.

Isaiah 41:31 “But they that ​​​wait upon​ the ​​Lord​​ shall ​​​renew​ ​their​ ​​​strength​; they shall mount up with wings as ​​​eagles​; they shall ​​​run​, and not be weary; ​and​ they shall walk, and not faint.”

#newblogpost #blessed #waituponthelord #trusthim



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