God never gets tired of you ♥️πŸ™πŸ»

 Do you ever have times when you’re praying and you find yourself apologizing to God? You apologize for your weaknesses, the non stop worrying, the endless questions you keep asking over and over again, and your need for reassurance? 

I was driving home and praying out loud in the car the other night.I love these moments I have with God. I just talk to Him, about everything going on in my life and He listens. ♥️

But I found myself doing that exact thing…. apologizing. I felt kinda bad, but as soon as I told God I was sorry, I realized something. I realized  that no matter what, God loves me. He loves me not in spite of all of my faults, but because of them. He loves me completely, wholly, and 100%. And He never gets tired of hearing from me. 

He has all of us to watch over and listen to, and yet He finds times to be present with me WHENEVER and WHENEVER I need Him. To cry, to complain, to tell Him how happy I am, etc.

“With prayer, we never get a busy signal.” I think when we pray and tell Heavenly Father our fears, hopes, desires, and worries that He loves to hear from us. Even though He knows what is going on, and what you might say, He still wants to hear from you and I. 

He wants a relationship with YOU. ♥️

He wants to hear from you. πŸ™πŸ»

And He never gets sick of hearing from us. He’s never annoyed, in fact quite the opposite. I think He is happy when we pray and take time to communicate with Him about our lives. He is constantly listening and patiently waiting for us to come unto Him. He can help relieve us of our worries, help us understand, learn things we need to learn, and grow in ways we never thought possible.

I know that God is ALWAYS listening and wanting to help us in any way He can. His love and peace are just one prayer away. So if you’re driving in your car, praying in your “closet”, on your knees, or silently throughout the day, He is there for you! 

So my friends, what are you waiting for? ♥️πŸ™πŸ»


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