Because I know you, I have been changed for good πŸ’•

 Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend the Ogden temple. ♥️One of my seminary students got her mission call and asked me if I’d come! I was so excited to be able to go! It’s been more than a year since I’ve been inside the temple and I’ve missed it so much. The session was beautiful and as I sat in the celestial room, I felt so much PEACE and LOVE from my Heavenly Father. It truly is His house. πŸ™πŸ»

If you know Rose, you know that she is such a LIGHT! Her testimony is so strong and she makes everyone around her want to be better. She inspires me so much! She isn’t afraid to be herself and she is the kindest person you’ll ever meet. 🌹

As we chatted last night after the session, she said to me “Sister Wanner, this may be the last time that I see you.” 😞 (She leaves for her home MTC next week, then she’s off to serve in Florida) I told her that “It’s never goodbye, just see you later.” That’s what I always have to tell myself. She started to cry, which made me cry. 😭 We both just stood there and sobbed for a minute while we hugged. I told her how GRATEFUL I am that Heavenly Father put us into each other’s lives and how much I loved her.♥️ 

My heart breaks a little every time I have had to say goodbye. Whether it’s leaving a job, leaving my family, or saying goodbye to dear friends. πŸ’” But I think experiences like that help us all become better, more grateful individuals. They make room in our lives and hearts to help us love more.

I’m so grateful I was able to teach seminary for the year that I did. The experiences I had, lessons I learned, and people I met, have truly changed my life & have made a better person. I’ll cherish them forever! πŸ’•

“I've heard it said

That people come into our lives

For a reason

Bringing something we must learn

And we are led to those

Who help us most to grow if we let them

And we help them in return

Well, I don't know if I believe that's true

But I know I'm who I am today

Because I knew you, I have been changed by you.” πŸŽΆπŸ’•πŸ˜­πŸŒΉ♥️πŸ™πŸ»


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