Why we all need Jesus ♥️

 Why we need Jesus ♥️

As I was getting ready for church this morning, the thought popped into my head of, why we all need Jesus in our lives. I started thinking about that thought, and immediately knew it was because of the LOVE he and our Father in heaven have for us.

I think it’s safe to say, that you and I can attest that we are not perfect individuals, even far from it! At times, we might feel we don’t deserve the love, mercy, understanding, and forgiveness, from our Savior. But- He is always there, ready to give it to us because He has already atoned for everything we have done, are doing, and will do. 

Why was He willing to go through this? Why does He love us so much? Why does He want to help us so freely? Why did He suffer for us? 

Well, Jesus Christ did all of these things for us: 👇🏻

To show His great love for us.

To prevent our suffering fully for our sins.

To allow us to repent of and be forgiven for our sins.

To glorify the Father.

To allow us to return to God.

To bring us to God.

BECAUSE He LOVES you and I so so much. ♥️

John 15:13 “​Greater ​​​love​ hath no man than this, that a man lay down his ​​​life​ for his ​​​friends​.”

1 Peter 3:18 “For Christ also hath once ​​​suffered​ for sins, the just for the ​​​unjust​, that he might BRING US BACK TO GOD, being put to ​​​death​ in the flesh, but quickened by the ​​​Spirit​:”

D&C 19:16 “16 ​For behold, I, God, have ​​​suffered​ these things for all, that THEY ​​​might​ not suffer if they would ​​​repent​;”

2 Corinthians 5:21 “For he hath made him ​to be​ ​​​sin​ for us, who knew no ​​​sin​; that we might be made the ​​​righteousness​ of God in him.”

As you think of Jesus Christ today, when you partake of the sacrament or when you are doing some personal study, pray and ask God for more understanding, for more love and appreciation in your heart for your Savior Jesus Christ and for my Savior.

He really does love you and I so much! He loves you when you’re not doing what’s right, when you are, when you’re following the commandments, and when you’re not. He loves you and I no matter what.

God knew we would need a Savior and someone who would completely understand what we are feeling and going through! And because God loves us so much, He sent His only begotten Son. (John 3:16) I can’t think of a better way to show His love for us, by providing a Savior for us, so that we can return to Him. 

I’m so grateful for Him. My brother, Savior, Redeemer, and Prince of Peace, even Jesus Christ. We NEED Him. So much, in all of our lives! ♥️


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