My unexpected journey!

Wow. Today I am 28 years old! πŸ₯³πŸ˜‚ I kind of feel like Bilbo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings when he says at his birthday party, “today is my 111th birthday!” Haha just kidding, not that old. 😜

In the “hobbit” there is a scene where you see Bilbo, sitting down and writing in his journal, about his unexpected journey that he has had throughout his life. He writes about the adventures he has been on, (which he calls  “Nasty disturbing uncomfortable things [adventures]!”- anyone feel like that sometimes? πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♀️πŸ˜‚) the friends he has made, and the trials and adversity he has faced along the way. All because of the choice he made to leave his quiet, safe, and comfortable life in the shire behind to go out, on an adventure!

As I reflect and type this, I feel like that too! That this is my unexpected journey thus far 😁 Where has the time gone? I had a plan for my life. I was going to graduate high school, find my spouse at college, and be a mom. Forget about graduating college… that wasn’t going to be for me. I didn’t like school! 

But as time went on, I decided I would go to school until marriage happened.. now here we are, a couple years after college, with a bachelors degree! Who would’ve thought? πŸ€”πŸ’­ I never did! Haha 

As I reflect on my last 28 years on my life, I am very grateful for the plans that I had that haven’t gone the way I wanted them to go. I am grateful for my unexpected journey! πŸ‘πŸ» I am grateful that experiencing life has helped me grow! I am grateful for the courage I mustered to leave the safe and comfortable behind, and live out my own adventure! And let me tell you, it is far from over! πŸ‘ŠπŸ»

Without my degree, I never would’ve been able to teach seminary. Without teaching seminary for a year I never would’ve met some of the most special individuals on this whole earth! My seminary kids ♥️

Which, with teaching in garland, made me move 🏑 home to brigham city. Being able to still spend time with my brother and my parents at home. It has truly been a blessing and a tender mercy I needed. You see, I never wanted to grow up. And being able to have more time with my family has been the biggest blessing! 

And now, here I am, working as a dental assistant- which I never imagined that one! πŸ€―πŸ˜‚


There have been so many people that I have met along my way, experiences, and trials I’ve been through, that I never would have experienced if my life would’ve worked out the way I planned it. God’s hand has always been guiding my life! πŸ™πŸ»

The beautiful thing about this life, is that you can only plan so much, before our loving Heavenly Father steps in and sees what is best for His children. He knows what we need to become and what we need to go through and experience to get there!

I know He has a plan because I am living that plan! And I will continue to do so! As I enjoy each and every experience for growth, take one day at a time, and not lose sight of my hopes and dreams. Because right now, we each are EXACTLY where we are supposed to be on our own unexpected journeys! πŸ₯³πŸ‘πŸ»πŸŒŸπŸ₯° #thehobbit #myunexpectedjourney #28thbirthday #blessed 


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