Gratitude is always a good kind of attitude to have: ☀️😭♥️ 🍁

With all the craziness surrounding all of us right now, and with it being the month for gratitude, I just wanted to say how grateful I am for all the AMAZING people I have been able to meet thus far in my life. ♥️ You have truly changed my life and blessed my life in so many ways.

This week has been a struggle!! I’ve felt really discouraged and there have been times when the thought comes that I should just throw in the towel because I’m not learning what I want to learn as fast or quickly as I want to with dental assisting. 😣

The adversary knows how to get you when you’re down and if you let him continue to tell you this or that, you’ll eventually start to believe it. Or you’ll end up down that thought process of despair.

I’ve never struggled at a job so much.. it’s totally out of my comfort zone (and my comfort zone is big.. haha) It’s different, it’s new, it’s challenging in ways I never thought could be challenging, it’s hard, and it’s like a fire hydrant of information that is going off in my face 😳 Goodness!! Have you been there? You wonder if you are really cut out for the task, and If you can really do it. 😔

Amongst you second guessing yourself and praying silent pleadings to God, those sweet and tender mercies of the Lord come. 😭♥️ My sweet co workers jump in, and REMIND me that I’ll get it sooner than I think. 👊🏻That I’m wonderful and amazing and they are there to help every step of the way. They remind me how far I’ve already come, and to be more patient with myself because (like my little brother would say..) GREAT things really do take time. 🙏🏻

You all have been there for me in one way or another, reminding me how amazing I am and that I can accomplish anything. And I hope I’ve done the same for you! 🥰

I feel so BLESSED to have so many wonderful family members and friends that God knew I NEEDED in my life. (Yes, NEED- as in can’t live without) At the exact times I needed them! 

Just as I was going to bed last night, another tender mercy happened. One of my seminary students and I were talking- she knew exactly what I needed to hear and as we were messaging back and forth, the tears just came, for both of us. ♥️ I could tangibly feel God’s love for me and for her. Sometimes it takes hearing it from someone else how amazing you are, but BELIEVE IT because it’s TRUE!

I’m so grateful that we all have each other to go through life with. I’m so grateful that we have a Savior that knows exactly how we feel and how to succor us in our times of need. I’m so grateful that we have loving Heavenly Father that is always watching out for us. I’m grateful for each one of you and those times you are all my angels in disguise, lifting me up, and encouraging me. I’m so grateful for my family. 🥰 They are amazing and I am constantly thanking Heavenly Father for them. I’m also so grateful for my amazing friends- I have been so blessed in life to have such an abundance of friends. They have come into my life, at the times I needed them! 

I love you all so much! Thank you all for being there and supporting me. For loving me, despite my flaws, for picking me up when I am down in the dumps, for reaching out when I need you, and for just being there. You are truly amazing! ♥️🍁 

What are you grateful for?


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