Why I need God in my life.

 Life is hard. 😳 Ug.. Trials are one thing we can rely on in life. Great. 🙄 haha We know we are going to have to pass through hard things. There are times where it’s been quite difficult, especially as of late. I’m trying to find out what my next step is. I find myself down-trodden, sad, and all sorts of confused. 😣 Why is nothing working out? Why the heck am I the permanent struggle bus? 😂 Anyone been there or is there currently?

I don’t know about you, but there are times my life when I feel disconnected from God. I am trying to do what is right, but I am getting nowhere. I’m getting nothing. I desperately need an answer, but it’s just not coming.. at least in the way I think it should. So, I pray to Heavenly Father, I tell Him what is on my mind and in my heart. I tell Him my frustrations, my fears, and LOTS of tears & tissues later, I emerge feeling better. 😌 More at peace with my current circumstances.

I’m then reminded that I need God in my life. I want Him in my life. I cannot get through this life without Him. I know that He is always there-He knows me. He knows my dreams, my hopes, what I need when I need it, He knows ME, and He knows YOU. 

With all that being said, I know that He knows what we struggle with. He knows what the future holds. He knows how we will get there and what is going to happen in between. Trusting Him takes work and practice and it won’t just happen overnight. (Just like any other relationship.) But His relationship is different. He won’t fail you. You can trust Him 100%. Because every little thing that happens, on our behalf, will be for our best interest. Everything God does, is with you and I in mind. He won’t abandon us. He won’t fail us. He will keep His promises and His way is ALWAYS better. 

I have the most amazing parents. I’m truly blessed in that aspect. A lot of times in my own life, I get so busy and caught up in my own problems that sometimes I forget why I am here. 🤦🏻‍♀️I forget to look at the big picture- the eternal perspective. When I am struggling or just plain having a hard time, I’ll go to my parents and ask for their help and advice on things. I care about what they say and I know they would do anything to help me. Because they love and care about me. 

Our Heavenly Father feels the EXACT same way, perhaps even more so. He will do anything to help us because of the infinite amount of love He has for us. But just like any amazing parents, they also let us struggle, so that we can grow on our own. God won’t swoop in and save us every single time we are going through something difficult. But He will always be there to help us through it. He won’t take it away, but He will help us learn what we need to learn, if we are willing, and become better because of it.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t afford to not have Him in my life. I need Him and He needs me. He needs YOU. He will guide you to where you need to be with the people you need to meet. In His own time, everything will work out.. but it’s not up to you and I when that is. In the meantime, live your life, be patient with Him, and with yourself. He will teach us what we need to learn, and what we ultimately need to become. It doesn’t mean that our road will be any less hard, but it does mean that we will have His constant care and loving help. So grab His hand, don’t let go, and let Him lead you to where He wants you to be! ♥️


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