Where’s my golden ticket?

 Where’s my golden ticket? 

Sooo often in my life, I find myself becoming caught up in the next big that I’m expecting is supposed to happen. 

When I was younger, I just wanted to be old enough to go to mutual, drive, graduate high school, and be more independent. When I got to the more independent phase, and in college, I just wanted to graduate & move on. When I graduated, I wanted the dream job, the family, and the list goes on and on and on. 

I FORGET to slow down and enjoy my personal journey. 😔 It’s almost like, that we as a society, have conditioned ourselves to live like that. Waiting on the next thing in our life to make us feel fulfilled and happy. Finding our metaphorical golden ticket.

I’m not going to do it anymore and I don’t think you want to either.

Elder Dieter F. Utchdorf told a story in his talk “forget me not”, about Charlie and the chocolate factory. He said “In this classic children’s story, people all over the world desperately yearn to find a golden ticket. Some feel that their entire future happiness depends on whether or not a golden ticket falls into their hands. In their anxiousness, people begin to FORGET the simple joy they used to find in a candy bar. The candy bar itself becomes an utter disappointment if it does not contain a golden ticket.”

As strange as this may sound, at times I think I’ve forgotten to live- actually LIVE. I forget to enjoy the small successes, the happy moments, and the moments where it’s ok to not have every detail of my life planned out. I find myself disappointed and sad when things don’t work out the way I wanted them to.

We can’t afford to put our own happiness on hold as we wait for some golden ticket to make us happy. 🎫 If we keep doing that, we will be disappointed time and time again. Instead focus on the things you do have and don’t forget to live. ♥️

In the words of Karen Blixen, “God made the world round so we would never be able to see too far down the road.” ENJOY your life now. Be HAPPY now. Don’t worry & stress! 🌎 ☀️♥️


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