Complacency: How to not get caught in the trap.

Complacency starts with the little things we stop doing on a daily basis. Whether it’s spiritual things or goals we have. We get stuck! For some, we stop reading our scriptures. We stop getting down on our knees to pray. We tell ourselves that “eh, it’s fine. It’s just one day. It won’t hurt anything.” Or “it’s not like I’m going inactive.”

As of late, I have felt myself becoming slightly complacent in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I’ve fallen into one of satan’s traps. It’s not something I’ve done on purpose, it just hasn’t been my top priority. I have felt a big difference in my life without the daily “bread” and “water” that Christ so freely offers me. I have felt empty, a little sad, and I find myself being trodden down with thoughts of inadequacy by Satan.

I miss teaching seminary. I miss my students and the opportunity I had every single day to bear my testimony. It seems comparable to a mission. When you get home you feel a little lost.. not sure where to go or what to do. You aren’t on a spiritual high anymore and you wonder what is going on. You receive a big dose of reality and you have a front row seat to the chaos of the world.

It’s EASY to get caught up in LIFE. We forget why we are here and what direction we are heading. But then the still small voice, ever so quietly, whispers that God loves you no matter what and that He is exactly aware of what is going on in your life.

To all those who have felt like this or are still feeling like this, there is hope. Get yourself back on track. Start doing the small and simple things that we’ve been taught to do and don’t get discouraged or disappointed when the life you want isn’t happening fast enough.

Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ are aware of me and you. But we can’t FORGET Them. It’s no wonder that one of the most said words in the scriptures is REMEMBER. We need to remember, because as human beings, we FORGET, so easily.

Happy Sunday friends! ☀️☺️ May you take this week to recharge your spiritual batteries and plug into the outlet of everlasting peace and joy. ♥️ Christ and Heavenly Father will be right there to help us along! #peace


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