Finding JOY in life ☀️

This morning I was on the phone on hold for more time than a person should be. Anyone ever been there? I kept calling and got a busy signal. Then when I was finally transferred through, my wait time was an atrocious amount of time and to top it off, there were about 100 people ahead of me. I had been calling right when they opened, how come my call didn’t go through? But the other 100 people’s calls did? I was already getting impatient and frustrated, and now I had to wait even more?! Seriously? Great. It’s not like I had anything else to do with my day. 😅

While I was on hold, I was able to really think. My thoughts led me towards my own life and the individual plan that God has for me. My expectations for my life were not at all what I thought was going to happen. Do you ever feel like that? You think to yourself: I have been waiting a long time for promised blessings, only to find out that 100’s of people have gone before me and it’s worked out for them. Crazy right? This kind of thinking led me nowhere, but it did teach me something.

Those 100 people ahead of me weren’t any more important to God than me. We are all EQUALLY loved and cherished by our Heavenly Father. He wants to give each of us those promised blessings we are waiting for. He is always looking for opportunities to pour out His blessings upon us, we just have to TRUST Him. 

Isaiah said it perfectly in chapter 55:8. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways, said the Lord.” The whole point of life isn’t to just be married, have a family, a great career, your dream house, and the perfect body. All these things might seem very important, and some are, but when we realize that God has specific things He needs you and I to accomplish, that may or may not involve those things, our priorities change.

Your worth doesn’t depend on whether or not you have all of those expectations the world, society, others, and yourself have put on you. Your worth is dependent on how God sees you. A beautiful, amazing, and bright individual with so much ahead. 

Life will not go according to the plan you have for yourself. Which can lead to bitterness, sadness, anger, and other emotions. Instead of dwelling on those feelings and circumstances, we can find JOY where we are. We can look at each new day as a new adventure, full of faith towards our future.

President Russell M. Nelson said “the joy we feel has LITTLE to do with the circumstances of our lives and EVERYTHING to do with the FOCUS of our lives.”

So get out there and JOYFULLY experience this beautiful, amazing, wonderful life you’ve been given. Your happiness depends on you. When the time is right and you are the one next in line for that important life phone call, God will guide and direct you to where He needs and wants to to be. You’re EXACTLY where you are supposed to be! So love where you are and who you’re surrounded by. Don’t give up, or become discouraged and have JOY NOW. ♥️🙏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻👊🏻☺️


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