Faith over fear ⛰♥️

Faith over fear ⛰♥️
Do you ever feel scared of making the wrong choice or going down the wrong path? Do you feel overwhelmed because there are so many directions you could go and you don’t even know where to start?

When I saw this quote, it hit me. Yes there are bad days. Yes life is hard. Yes, I am going to struggle. I know these things. It’s LIFE! At times, it’s easy to feel weighed down. The worries of life, the here and now, not to mention the future are always swirling around in my mind. (??)

I’ve been so bombarded lately with discouragement, worry, trepidation about my future, and about the plan that God has for ME.

Michael A. Dunn, a managing director of BYU broadcasting said: “Fear can freeze us. It can paralyze us. It can stop us in our tracks and keep us from moving forward. Its gripping chokehold suffocates our sapling faith, and without that faith we cannot move forward.”

Whoa... that smacked me in the face. I have faith! But when I stopped and thought more about that, I really had to look inside of myself. I had to dig deep. To have faith doesn’t mean that the hard times won’t come. It’s almost a guarantee that they will. It doesn’t mean that life will work out the way you want it to. And It certainly doesn’t mean that because we have faith in God, it’ll be an easy road.

In fact, quite the opposite. To have faith means to not doubt and worry. It also means to trust that God does know what He is doing. It means to have courage to do hard and scary things. Will there be times we worry and doubt? Yes, but we must hold on. Faith is something we live. It’s not just something we believe. We work at it daily, to make it stronger. It’s the opposite of fear, and it can carry you through life, in the good and bad times, IF you let it, and rely on Christ.

So, with all that, my advice to you, (and to myself) is to not rush your life. Enjoy where you are on the path. It’s YOUR path, not anyone else’s. If you aren’t moving as fast as someone else, or aren’t as far, don’t worry. Have FAITH. Trust Heavenly Father with everything! Listen and then ACT with the guidance you receive from the Holy Ghost, and keep moving forward. You’re never alone ♥️🙏🏻⛰


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