Putting one foot in front of the other 👣🥳

As I reflect upon the last year of my life, there have been so many life lessons. I have been so blessed and grateful to be able to teach seminary here at Bear River. My students are amazing and my faculty is out of this world. Not only that, they are now my friends. 🥰 I have learned so much from each and every person that has entered into my life this year. They are the best of the best. ♥️ I love them all so much!

Yesterday I went to the seminary: I packed up my classroom and office, turned in my key, visited with students, and my fellow teacher friends, took lots of pictures, and said goodbye. It was HARD. Seeing some of my students and teachers was a beautiful experience. I was a little melancholy and sad to close this chapter, but it’ll be something I will treasure forever. The memories and experiences will always live on! 

I have gained so much! So many friendships, my gospel knowledge that has increased, how I’ve become a better teacher, but more importantly, a better individual and daughter of God. My heart is so full. Knowing what I know now, and even though I did not get hired- I’d do this whole experience over again in a heartbeat, just so I could meet all my new friends 🥰👏🏻

2 things I would tell my students to remember : #1 God is aware of you #2 He loves you! If you can remember those two things than everything will be ok! I don’t know what my next step is. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 But I’m taking my own advice. 👆🏻One thing I do know, is that I’m exactly where God wants me to be and for now, that’s all the reassurance I need . ♥️#tooblessedtobestressed #godhasaplan #trustHim


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