I love home decor! Anything from placemats to pictures on the wall- it’s all my favorite. A couple years ago for Christmas, my mom sewed a couple decorative placemats for me. They were reversible and I would have one for every occasion and Holliday. Since she sewed a couple, she gave me enough stuff to finish them on my own. I’ve had more time, being quarantined, and I decided to finish them! 

As I was trying to remember how each one needed to be laid out so I could put it together and sew it, I did everything right, until I sewed up the hole. 🀦🏻‍♀️

When I told my mom that I thought I did it all by myself, I found that what I did was wrong. My mom was so understanding about it. She said I had 2 options: 1- I could make the straight line stitch the whole way around the placemat or 2- I could unpick the stitching... she said that it wouldn’t take very long and in the end, I’d probably be happier with it.

And then the thought came to me... Unpicking the stitch (my mistake) is kind of like the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We do something we shouldn’t do. Either knowingly or not. We SIN. We are sad, guilt ridden, and unhappy. When you think all hope is lost, Christ is there to metaphorically “unpick” you. To undo your mistake, and to leave you even better than He found you once again. 

For me, when I am not busy or involved, I get tempted A TON. πŸ˜³ I don’t know why Satan thinks He can just waltz in and do that, but sometimes, I let him. I don’t think, and I end up doing things I know I shouldn’t.

Sadness and frustration sweep over me. Questions comes into my head like: How can I even talk to my Heavenly Father after I did what I did? Does He even love me anymore? Is He disappointed in me? Will my apology be enough? “Hi God, it’s me. I sinned AGAIN. I’m sorry.” 

All of those thoughts, are from SATAN. Once you sin, He tries to make you believe that kve that you are SCUM. That you’re worthless. That God doesn’t love you anymore. That that was your last chance and you are 100% done. That there’s no way back now.

But then thoughts of my Savior Jesus Christ come to mind. What He did for ME. US. How He suffered, bled, and DIED for YOU. So that you wouldn’t feel alone. So you wouldn’t feel like all hope was completely lost. He swoops in and SAVES you. Why? Because YOU ARE LOVED. So much. By both our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said “However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have NOT traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.”

I know that no matter how far your think you’ve sunk, Christ can save you. He can rescue you. All you need to do, is to come unto Him. Partake of His grace, love, and forgiveness. Use His Atonement to repent and re-commit yourself to following and keeping God’s commandments EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

I know that you are loved so much by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, because I have felt that love so much in my life. There is ALWAYS a way back and no matter how far you’ve gone, or how many times you’ve committed the same sin over and over again, or whatever else in your life, CHRIST can help. He can bring you peace, forgiveness, and you too, can feel His love. ♥️πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜”☀️


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