To all my single friends part 2 πŸ’—

Maybe it’s the month of February that gets me thinking about love more often. πŸ˜Œ (sigh) lol  I’ve been thinking a lot of where I am at right now in my life. I tell you this not to have you feel bad for me, but to describe where I’m at. I’m 27, not married, I’m single, working as a seminary student teacher at Bear River. I’m actually really happy. ☀️☺️ 

I think of our society, especially Latter-day Saint/ Utah culture, makes you almost feel like you aren’t worth anything unless you’re married. Unless you’re a mom, a wife, a girlfriend, etc. the list could go on. I don’t believe that is true. But sometimes you feel like that.. or at least I do. That no matter how many degrees you have, how much money you make, how many friends you have, etc. will never compare to what we think we are missing out on, especially as a single person. Loneliness hits you like the plague, you often long for what the future holds and what is going to happen. And if it’s not happening, you fear something is wrong with you.

My perspective on this probably wouldn’t have been the same if I got married younger. I would not have grown in the ways that God knew I needed to grow and I wouldn’t be the person I am today. If I would’ve been able to chose how my life would’ve worked out verses how it’s working out right now, I would still choose right NOW. Why? 

BECAUSE Heavenly Father has a individual plan for ME and for YOU and that includes HIS timing. We are all valued equally to God, no matter our situation or where we are at in our lives. No matter our relationship status, our living situation, our jobs, etc. we are all LOVED equally.

I don’t know why marriage happens quickly for some and takes longer for others. Did I think I’d be 27 and still single? No. Am I grateful that I am? 1000% YES. I’m EXACTLY where I am supposed to be in life. Exactly where God wants me.

To all my single friends: don’t give up! Love YOURSELF. You have value. You have worth. And that is not based on what status you carry. I know you’re tired- tired of trying, tired of getting the same answer. But to you I say, hold on. Hold onto the promises God has given you. Hold on to the times when you do feel His peace and His love. I’ve learned to TRUST GOD. Not just trust Him sometimes, but to trust Him always. He knows ME. He sees the end from the beginning. He gets it! I think we are the ones that complicate His plan for us. But he’s so patient, loving, and so willing to guide us if we are doing what is right. Don’t throw in the towel because it’s hard. Keep TRYING. Just do your best and God will take care of the rest. I Love you and so does our Heavenly Father ♥️πŸ’—πŸ’•



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