The Lord is my LIGHT ☀️

Oh what a BEAUTIFUL week it has been. πŸŒ…☀️😍 I feel like this picture of the sunset tonight perfectly captured how I have felt. There’s so much LIGHT that I have felt from my Heavenly Father the last couple of days. He has been so good to me and I feel so blessed to be here on this earth. I’ve had so many wonderful tender mercies and have seen God’s hand so much this week, that it’s almost like I’ve gotten a glimpse of what heaven would feel like. Life is too short my friends to do anything other than what makes you happy. So if you aren’t, find that happiness. Find that JOY. That PEACE. That LOVE. And know, that God is watching over you and helping you along. ♥️ #blessed #grateful #thatsunsettho #thelordismylight


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