What His name means to me ❤️

Christ. Jehovah. Wonderful. Counselor. Peace. Redeemer. Savior. Lord. Deliver. Lamb of God. Jesus. My heart is so full today. No matter what name you have for our Savior Jesus Christ, mine is FRIEND. He is ALWAYS there for me when I might not feel I deserve it. He listens. He is someone I can trust. He is always there for me when I am struggling or can’t stop crying. Or when I am so mad I don’t know what else to do. He is there for me when I fall. He always knows the right thing to say. He buoys me up. He loves me unconditionally. And no matter what I do, I am never too far from His love. I can never pay back my Savior for everything He has done for me... But I can serve others as He would. I can be their friend. That is one of the reasons why we are all here. To be there for each other. To love each other. To SERVE and MINISTER as He did. I am so grateful for the love that I have felt as I have just cried silently typing this. I know these things to be true! I know my Savior ...