My 27th birthday 🥳

🥳 As I reflect on the last 26 years of my life, a lot of mixed emotions come to mind. WHOA. Not only do I turn 27 today, but I also celebrate my 5 year anniversary of going through the temple ♥️ My life has gone nowhere near how I planned it. I never would’ve guessed when I was 17 what the next 10 years would bring. Boy was I in for a ride! 🎢

There have been lots of hard times, broken hearts, and trials that were so hard, I didn’t know if I would get through. At the same time, there have been times of sheer bliss, absolute joy, and so many overwhelming feelings of gratitude and happiness.

Heavenly Father has taken such good care of me! Even better than I ever could’ve imagined. I definitely didn’t plan all of this out for my life that has happened, but I am beyond BLESSED.

- I graduated from Utah State with a degree. I never wanted to go to school I and I definitely didn’t think I would ever graduate, but I did it!
- I decided to take a leap of faith and try out the preservice seminary teacher class, and I got chosen to student teach! It’s blessed my life in so many ways ♥️
- I quit my job at Olive Garden & moved home
- Became the relief society president, which I didn’t want to be at first. Haha
- Learned to trust God more and realize that HIS plan is ALWAYS better

The list could go on with all the things I have learned and grown from! This life is HARD. But! We are never ever alone. He is always there with us.

This next year has a lot of unknowns and I honestly don’t know where I am going to end up.. But! One thing I do know, is that I’m being led my a loving Father in Heaven. 🥰 I’m excited!

I am so blessed and grateful for every single one of YOU, whom I am lucky enough to call my family and my friends. ♥️ don’t ever give up, always move forward, and TRUST in God- He won’t lead you astray! Know that you are loved! #27feelsgood #blessed #partylikeitsyourbirthday


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