God’s not done with you ♥️

God’s not done with you ♥️

Just when you think you’re going to end up one place, you end up somewhere different. I have really been thinking about my life lately. There are so many things that I wanted, but didn’t work out, things I wanted, but don’t have, and the paths I’ve been lead down that have gotten me where I am now. Turns out, some of those things were not what I wanted at all. Looking back, I am so so so GRATEFUL that life didn’t work out the way. My way. It worked out exactly as it was supposed to-God’s way. And it’s been so much BETTER! Better than I could’ve dreamed and or planned.

I never would’ve been able to have this wonderful opportunity to meet so many wonderful kids at Bear River seminary ♥️ To be an instrument in God’s hands, gain so many wonderful friendships, and be able to change lives (and have my own life changed). I’ve been able to use my gifts that God has blessed me with and have been able to shine 🌟

It’s a humbling experience and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for it. 😭🥰♥️ I thank Him that He knows ME. He is in the details of my life (and yours). He knows what I want, where I’m going to be, and how my life is going to play out. He is in charge and all He asks, is that we TRUST Him. If we do our part, He truly takes us by the hand and guides us to where we need to go. With all that said, I just feel so HAPPY in my life right now. And so so  BLESSED. ☀️ #grateful #blessed #proverbs3:5-6 #godisaware #godismindful


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