Christmas isn’t about all the presents, but His presence ♥️

I didn’t really put as much thought into what having Jesus Christ’s presence in my life, truly meant, until I got older. Being able to study, ponder, learn, and teach more about the life of my Savior Jesus Christ, from birth to resurrection has changed my perspective and my heart.

Christ was born for me. He atoned for my sins. He died for me. He lives again for me. All of what Christ did was because of the LOVE that He has for each one of us. He has become more real to me than ever before. Not only have my prayers become more heartfelt, but I have really tried to be more Christlike. I definitely haven’t perfected this, and might not ever in this life, but I am trying.

Christmas isn’t about all the gifts and the money that you spend on someone. It’s about the service you give, the love you show to your family, friends, and those around you. It’s also remembering CHRIST even more in your life and what He has done for you.

It’s by the way He taught, loved, acted, how He treated all He met, and the LOVE He has for you and me. My Savior Jesus Christ has become my best friend. His atonement covers EVERYTHING I will go through. The loneliness, the sadness, the anger, the doubts, the sins I commit, and comfort and joy that come with knowing that He is aware and loves me. Just like my Father in Heaven.

God has a plan for each one of us! It’s PERFECT. Keep the faith, don’t give up, and trust Him. I challenge you as the new year approaches to think of Christ MORE and what He has done for you. I promise it will bless your life beyond measure. Because friends, He is ALWAYS thinking about YOU.

I LOVE my family, my Savior and my Heavenly Father with all my heart and I’m so grateful for this CHRISTmas season. 🙏🏻🥰 Christ is the gift and His love and all that He is, is the gift that never stops giving. ♥️🎄😭 #godisgood #Luke2 #tooblessedtobestressed


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