

I recently went to the doctor because I had had a pretty terrible sinus infection. After being miserable for 5 days, I’d had it. I had done every home remedy I could think of and nothing was working. šŸ¤¦šŸ»‍♀️

I know numbers on a scale are just numbers... but when I got off the scale at the doctors office, I immediately felt depressed. What? Were my eyes really seeing that number? šŸ˜” Sadness immediately kicked in. 

We see numbers every day. How much our paycheck is, the guest count for a party we’re throwing, our height, weight, how many calories we’ve consumed, the time I have left so I can leave school/work, how many people like our posts on social media, and etc. Why do we care so much? Our lives revolve around it at times.

As I was driving home after picking up my prescription, the tears just came. I felt discouraged, sad, and disappointed with myself. At the same time I knew these thoughts were from Satan, because Heavenly Father wouldn’t send them.

I’ve always struggled with my weight. I have a “lovely” (cue the sarcasm) genetic pool. My ancestors were bigger boned Germans.  (Now I’m not saying anything bad here, because I have been blessed with so many things) but...

This kind of negative thinking comes and goes in waves. I try not to compare myself and I try to be confident with who I am and what I weigh. But some days I just don’t feel confident. I wish this wasn’t the case in life and I wish we all could be accepting of ourselves and our bodies every minute of every day, but we don’t..... But do you think maybe we could? Be completely and totally 100% accepting of who we are and what we are? šŸ–¤

One of the big things that is constant in my life is my Heavenly Father. He knows me, he’s aware of me, and He is someone I can talk to anytime, without getting a busy signal. I started to pray and tell Him how I was feeling. Then this quote popped into my head that I had saved to my phone earlier that day. It reads: 

“Sometimes we feel discouraged because we are not more of something — more spiritual, respected, intelligent, healthy, rich, friendly, or capable. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve. God created us to grow and progress. But remember, our weaknesses can help us to be humble and turn us to Christ who will ‘make weak things become strong.’ (Ether 12:27). Satan, on the other hand, uses our weaknesses to the point that we are discouraged from even trying.”

I felt so much peace and love enter into my heart. God didn’t send us here to fail and He certainly doesn’t want us to be discouraged and downtrodden. Be YOU- That’s all He asks. If you’re wanting to improve, DO IT. But don’t beat yourself up along the way. 

There’s always room for improvement, but don’t get discouraged if the results you want aren’t happening instantaneously. My friend and I recently started going to the gym and eating healthier- but those results don’t come right away! Which is at times, is frustrating. There is a path for everyone and each path gets us to our destinations differently. Don’t compare yourself, certainly don’t give up, and remember to enjoy your journey. Because it’s yours!!

Be confident in what you look like, who you are, what numbers you let affect you, and with the gifts God has blessed you with. Just like in Ether 12:27, if we humble ourselves and ask for God’s help, HE will help us, and make those things that we need help with, which are our weaknesses, STRONG. 

God takes you for AS YOU ARE and nothing will change the way He feels about you. Not your weight, your height, your grades, how much money you have in your bank account, whether you struggle with mental health, eating disorders, or depression. NOTHING. Nothing will change how much you are loved ♥️☀️šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜­☺️


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