

I share this experience with you, not to make you feel bad for me, but to be real. Its ok not to be ok sometimes. The last 24 hours of my life have been hard. Some things that have happened have brought me to my knees. As I cry out and plead with my Heavenly Father to help me understand, I’m reminded that my anger and sorrow is real. I still feel numb and at times still heartbroken, but I feel my Saviors love. The love He freely gives me. I woke up with a strange sense of peace. ♥️

I taught on Matthew 18 in seminary today. Jesus teaches us to forgive 70X7. That we place our burdens on our Savior Jesus Christ and therein find peace. Peace only the savior can bring. Comfort that only He can give, and a sense of love only He loves us with.

It doesn’t make those hard things easier necessarily, but I know that in my savior Jesus Christ, I can have my burdens lifted and that peace restored. I still have angry feelings, sadness, confusion, and thoughts of “why”, but I know that my Heavenly Father is aware of me. He knows what I need to become and how that is going to happen. He knows me and where I am going, what is going to take place, and every detail in between. He makes it possible to go on one more day, to forgive others, and to keep moving forward.

Elder Richard G. Scott said, “Forgiveness heals terrible, tragic wounds, for it allows the love of God to purge your heart and mind of the poison of hate. It cleanses your consciousness of the desire for revenge. It makes place for the purifying, healing, restoring love of the Lord”.

God is AWARE of you brothers and sisters! Come unto Christ and be healed. Feel His love, and don’t forget that He loves you. He has a plan for YOU, and everything will be okay. ♥️


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